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' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. — These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'novice. Bistrica jug v smeri Ljubljane, dela, oviran promet. 2021 15:19 - RT-906, Mrzli Studenec - Rudno polje, popolna zapora, prireditev, do 21. Novices serve time as scullery serfs as they work toward the privilege of trailing a pastry chef … — Guy Trebay, New York Times, 4 Sept. O projektu smo se pogovarjali z doc. — John Updike, The Afterlife, 1994 He's a novice in cooking. 2021 15:19 - R3-716, Grad - Kuzma, pri Gradu, oviran promet, zemeljski plaz. 2021 15:19 - R3-640, Cerknica - Rakek - Logatec, v Rakeku, popolna zapora, ureditev ceste, do 5. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Among the ancient Romans, a novice novicius was usually a newly enslaved person, who had to be trained in his or her duties. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Novi VW Caddy 2021 je najbolj priljubljeno dostavno vozilo v svojem segmentu! It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Ti so kasneje zablesteli na eni od modnih revij. Among Catholics and Buddhists, if you desire to become a priest, monk, or nun, you must serve as a novice for a period of time, often a year called your novitiate , before being ordained or fully professing your vows. — Not only in the literal sense, but also as a novice skier who is far more comfortable with fewer obstacles and people around. — James McManus, Harper's, December 2000 Much defter than one would have thought possible from the length of her fingernails, Toula had no fear of high fast notes; her flair, mounted between Andrea's perfectionist reserve and Alice's novice awkwardness, seemed all too displayed. No matter what kind of novice you are—at computers, at writing, at politics, etc. Morda celo slediti njegovim prijateljem? 2021 15:19 - RT-930, Pesek - Oplotnica, Lukanja - Pesek, prepoved za tovorna vozila nad 7,5 tone, sanacija udorov ceste. 2002 For the novice, walking the course also means being scared senseless by all the possibilities to screw up. — There was also some moss nearby, which was brown and almost invisible to a novice eye. a book for the novice chess player See More Recent Examples on the Web Both senior officers forgave his novice lack of calm. — Kemp's logic was that the financial services executive, although a political novice, could appeal to suburban women who had left the Republican Party over Trump, particularly because Loeffler was a woman and an outsider. Obvoz: Stari trg ob Kolpi - Dolenji Radenci - Sodevci. Mu komentirati objave ali biti raje modro tiho? Obvoz: Obvoz za osebna vozila, tovorna vozila do 7,5 t ter redno avtobusno linijo urejen po lokalnih cestah. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. — The very idea of awarding the prestigious commission to an 18-year-old novice triggered furious debate before Ream emerged the youngest artist and first female authorized by Congress to produce a sculpture for the Capitol. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. 2021 15:19 - RT-930, Pesek - Oplotnica, popolna zapora, modernizacija ceste. Cesta do Rudnega polja je do 21. 2001 Yet it's obvious to him and everyone else who the novice is here, the book-learned tournament virgin. Slediti svojemu najstniku ali ne? — Some of the things that happened were novice mistakes that were perceived as somehow veiled or malicious, but in fact were simple oversights. Prepovedan promet za tovorna vozila in avtobuse. — Both experienced and novice cooks enjoyed passing the time making delicious banana bread and chocolate cake. 2021 15:19 - G2-112, Poljana - Ravne, na Prevaljah, oviran promet, gradnje stanovanjsko poslovnega objekta "K", do 31. 2021 15:19 - RT-902, Strmec - Mangart, sneg, popolna zapora. 2021 15:19 - A2, Karavanke - Ljubljana, pred izvozom Jesenice zahod v smeri Ljubljane, promet poteka po enem pasu. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. 2021 15:19 - H4, Nova Gorica - Razdrto, prehod Vrtojba v smeri Razdrtega, oviran promet, Nadzor prometa. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. 2021 15:19 - Ljubljana, Cesta dveh cesarjev, med Cesto v Mestni log in Barjansko cesto, popolna zapora, rekonstrukcija ceste v sklopu aglomeracij, do 30.。



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